Why Proteus?, well thats easy, Many years ago when I first got into computers (And I am talking about the days of the Sinclair ZX-80a, or the TIMEX as it was in the states), I was also heavily into SCI-FI films, and one stood out in my mind from all the others, I cant remember when it was made, but I first saw it ( I think) around the mid 1970`s.
The Film was called DEMON SEED, And it starred Julie Christie.
Whats this got to do with the fact that my web site is called Proteus?, well thats easy, if you have seen the film, you will know why, if you havent I will explain. In the film, Julie Christies husband ( I forget the name of the Actor who played him, but if you know then please E-MAIL me), Built a Super-Computer capable of Artificial intellegence ( The Actor Robert Vaughn played the voice of the Computer), and he got to to run his company as well as to run his home for him, well it all went wrong, and the computer became self-aware and decided to procreate, it did this by locking the builders wife in her home, and then artifially inseminating her, she then gave birth to a hybrid Computer/person.
The computer was called Proteus, and as I have have spent most of the last 15 years in front of a computer of one sort or another, my Wife thinks that the Computer and I are joined in some way.
When I first heard about the Internet, way back in the days before the WWW I joined DEMON INTERNET and the first question I was asked is "What do you want to call your Node?", well it was easy, thats why my machine is now called Proteus.
Anyway, you probably didnt want to know all of this, and you were looking for something else, so here is what you will find at this site.
My own Home page, I hold a World Record for talking, and this page tells you all about that.
This company offers the cheapest Airport Transfer, Minicab and courier services In London, if you are coming here soon, you need to check these people out to save yourself some money.
My Sons Home page, I have nothing to do with what he puts in here, I have had a quick look, and I think he needs some serious phsyciatric help.
Still here?, OK well I was born In London England December 1959, and I have lived here all of my life (So far), I am very happily Married to Donna who is a wonderful woman, and I live in Chislehurst in Kent, with Donna, our 8 (Yes EIGHT) Children, 2 dogs, 4 cats, 3 giant African snails and assorted Tropical fish.
O.K., thats all I have to say, if you want anymore info, check out the pages coming from here, or have a look at the counter below, to see how many people have bored themselves to tears by accidently coming to this page.
Whoops!, before I forget, if you want to E-mail me about anything at all, CLICK HERE or my address is [email protected]
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