I am willing to bet that you know someone who can talk fast, perhaps your wife, or even your Mother-in-law (they come top).
Well Most people speak at about 60 words per minute, which is about a word a second, if you get really excited you might get to 120/150 words per minute.
Think about that for a minute, your favorite fast talker is probably talking less than 200 words per minute
I Hold the current World Record for fast talking, I can speak at 637 words per minute, which is 10.25 words per second.
Check it out in the 1999 Guiness Book of World records
10.25 Words per second may not seem that fast on paper, but you have a try, it's faster than you can think at, if you heard me talking at that speed, by the time you have heard and understood one single word, I have said over ten words in that time. This means that I can talk faster than you can think.
I First broke the World Record in 1990, and I have held it ever since, despite fighting off a challenge in the early 90`s ( well if the truth is to be known, I actually lost my record for 3 days to a woman, which just goes to prove that women definitely are not the fastest talkers, dang! That's another urban legend gone out the window).
Since 1990 I have broken the World Record 5 times increasing the speed each time by about 10%, the last time I broke it was in 1991, and I actually spoke almost 700 words in one minute, but had quite a few words disallowed for ineligibility (sp?), the adjudicators finally gave me a speed of 637 words per minute
This talent of mine has been of no real use to me or anybody (so far):( although in 1992 Safeway here in the UK got me to make some Radio commercials for them. And I have been invited to appear on TV and Radio in lots of Countries worldwide, so I guess I got to travel a bit.
I bet you are curious as to how fast my speed is?, well Here is a sample (in Streaming Real Audio) Of a radio ad I made for the Safeway supermarket Chain.
Its about 380 words per minute that I am speaking here (I had to keep the speed down, for the sake of the average radio listener).
If you are curious about what it takes to be a Record breaker, then once you have read this page, have a look here and perhaps some of your questions will be answered.
I Live in Chislehurst Kent, which is in the UK, And I guess if I was an American, I would have made a fortune out of my talent by now :(, but as the UK has more eccentrics per square foot than anywhere else, I guess I am destined to remain in obscurity for ever :( :(.
Hopefully you are are TV or Radio producer reading this, and you admire my Talent so much that you want to sign me up for a Multi-Million pound deal, and take me away from my life of obscurity, make all my dreams come true, and make me world famous. NO:( Oh well, I can always dream on cant I?.
If you are a researcher or a producer for a TV/radio show, yes I do interviews please E-MAIL me, and we will talk (Slowly) about it.
Still whilst you are here, you might as well sign my guest book (below) just to let me know that someone somewhere has heard of me :).
I Am constantly doing Radio/TV interviews and shows, and odd bits and pieces here and there, but I can never remember them all, so if you want to find out if you will hear or see me soon on a radio/TV near you soon, then the best thing I can suggest is to join my mailing list (below again).
Thanks for dropping by to see my humble home page, somewhere down below I have a FREE-FOR-ALL Link where you can leave a link to your homepage or website.
Whoops!, I nearly forgot, I am featured in the Guinness Book Of Records under talkers of course, you can check it out in the 1999 Book, and also all the books between 1991-1997.
I am also in contact with Steve Briers, who is the worlds fastest backwards talker, he isn't currently on the internet, but he can be reached through me.
How to Contact me For Voice overs/After dinner speeches Etc
Coming SOON!, Over the years I have met many other Record Breakers, Some are funny, some are real wierd, here is my Photo Gallery of all the record Breakers and generally famous people I have met.
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Here is a Link to the Record Club Saxonia which is an Internet resource for other record breakers
This Guinness Book of Records site owned by Steve Woodmore.Right, as we all know, the only way to get publicity on the net is to join different services, and part of the deals are that that you have to have banners and ads on your website, so here are all mine.
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I also allow a local company to me to put their web pages on my site, if you want to see what they are about then click here, I wrote all of the HTML at this site, so if you want offer me a job, let me know
Copyright Steve Woodmore