We recommend that you telephone us before your flight departs for the UK, with the flight number, your name, where you have departed from, your arrival airport and estimated time of arrival.
Our driver will then meet you at the arrivals gate, and take you to your final destination. All of our drivers will be wearing a photo ID badge, and will be carrying a placard with INTERNET AIRPORT SERVICES on it, your name and your flight details.
Our driver will Arrive at the airport at about the same time that your flight arrives, you will generally take between 20-45 minutes to clear immigration and customs.
When we are due to meet a flight, we always telephone ahead to the airport to find out if your flight is going to be early, late or on-time. This way our driver will always be there to meet you.
You can of course book your car by E-MAIL Or By Fax To our London Offices
You can also choose to leave it until you actually land in the UK to book your car, you can Telephone us from the airport, and if we havent got a car at the airport, we can guarantee one will arrive within 45 minutes
If you FAX or E-MAIL Us, we will Fax or E-MAIL you confirmation of your booking